TV Series Posters for Inspiration

Posters for TV programmes of a similar genre:

stan-lees-lucky-man.40634 imagesdaredevil-tv-series-poster-matt-murdock f06a033764b37673dee157bfe47b481b-d5j90f6

These posters are all of a similar genre to my TV show idea. They are all quite similar since they have a similar layout. For example, the main image on all of them is the main character. They also have an image of the setting in the background to show where the series is set. This gives me an idea of how I could design my poster to appeal to the audience, since these TV shows have a similar audience. You can tell the genre for all of these is action or superhero since the characters all look as though they are superior or capable of being the hero through their body language.

Other genres:

Desperate_Housewives_TV_Series-568533409-large cb70ddde7b4c5a5106fcb0ba8773c4b9

Game-of-Thrones-Poster-game-of-thrones-20026735-1728-2560 american-horror-story-coven-poster-spellbound

These TV show posters are quite different since they are different genres. It is clear what genre they are since they have different images, lighting and even fonts. For example, the poster for American Horror Story shows that it is a horror series without even having to have prior knowledge of the show. The poster is quite dark, the font is eerie and the image isn’t what you would see in a comedy show. In comparison to American Horror Story, the poster for the Big Bang Theory is a lot different, which shows how it is of a differing genre. The colours are brighter and the images show three people who have a much happier body language, making it clear that the show is  comedy as opposed to a horror.

All of the posters I have gained inspiration from have the normal elements of a TV series advertising poster. They have a main image, a title and a slogan to sell the show, as well as extra details such as date it is aired and the production company logo.


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