Preparing a Script Proposal


An elevator pitch is a brief summary that is used to present an idea in a short space of time. The idea is to get a plan across in the same amount of time an elevator would take, for example thirty seconds to two minutes, the purpose being that it should be interesting enough to keep somebody’s attention for that amount of time. It also allows you to attempt to leave a memorable impression with the listener in just 6o seconds, meaning it is important to make the time count.

When making an elevator pitch, it is important to begin by introducing yourself to show your personality. According to Hyatt (2011), an elevator pitch is made up of four components. In scriptwriting pitches, the first element is your product name, in this case the title of the project and the genre.

The second part of the pitch should mention the main character and give a brief description about them. It should also mention their ambitions.

The third component of an elevator pitch is the conflict the character faces, while the last part describes how this problem is resolved.

Palmer (2012) mentions that writers can follow this formula when writing a short pitch: “My story is a (genre) called (title) about (hero) who wants (goal) despite (obstacle).”

An elevator pitch should be memorable, interesting and although it is only short, it should have been thought out properly.


Short pitch for my script idea so far-

My story is an action/sci-fi TV programme called The Vision. It is about a man who can make his visions come true and wants to use his ability to bring good to the world. He faces a dilemma when he has an unwanted vision that he cannot stop. He must try to stop it from really happening and eventually succeeds in saving the city thanks to his hard work.



Hyatt, M. (2011). The 4 Components of a Compelling Elevator Pitch. [online] Michael Hyatt. Available at: [Accessed 3 Feb. 2016].

Palmer, S. (2012). Movie Pitch Case Study: How To Develop A Movie Pitch. [online] Good in a Room – Stephanie Palmer. Available at: [Accessed 3 Feb. 2016].

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